Author Archives: Elizabeth Crow

Bardfield Bake Off

This year we continued out annual tradition of ‘The Great Bardfield Bake Off’ in aid of Macmillan. This year we raised a whopping £289!! Thank you to everyone who made, contributed or bought a cake. Our Year 6s did a great job of serving at the coffee morning and their help was much appreciated.

Welcome Letter from Mrs Elizabeth Crow, Headteacher

Wednesday 24th August 2022 Dear Parents and Carers, I am delighted to be writing to you as the new Headteacher of Great Bardfield Primary School. I feel extremely honoured and privileged to be taking on my new role and fully intend to continue to build upon the success the school has already achieved under the…


We were thrilled to receive this wonderful letter from the Director of Education, Clare Kershaw, congratulating us on our recent Ofsted Inspection.     Ofsted congratulations letter Great Bardfield Primary  


We are delighted to share the news that Great Bardfield Primary school continues to be rated GOOD by Ofsted. In the report it says, ‘At Great Bardfield Primary School, pupils are proud of their school and live up to the well established school values. Pupils appreciate the school’s positive ethos. They feel both safe and…

Thinking of Ukraine

This week to show support for other children in The Ukraine, Great Bardfield Primary pupils made yellow and blue sunflowers. We wrote a message for peace on the back and have put them on our front fence to encourage everyone to think of the people there and what they are going through. We have had…

Tree Planting

As part of our work on sustainability, our Year 5 and 6 pupils were delighted to be invited to plant 60 trees in the grounds of St Mary the Virgin church. One of our governors Julia, organised the tree planting through the Essex Forest Initiative. The children absolutely loved  being in the outdoors, digging and…

The Bawden Rooms

Huge thanks to Claire Willets for opening the Bawden Rooms in the village so that our Leprechaun and Phoenix Class pupils could deepen their historical knowledge of the village of Great Bardfield. They really enjoyed learning more about the Bardfield Artists.

The Quaker Meeting House

As part of our study of the history of Great Bardfield our Year 5 and 6 Phoenix Class pupils visited the Quaker Meeting House in the village.

Little Readers-Reception

Our Reception Unicorns, absolutely relished the opportunity to read with our very patient and kind Phoenix class friends. The children gain so much from reading to each other.


Our children love to be outside in the beautiful environment at Great Bardfield Primary School. We offer Bikebility to our Year 6 pupils in the autumn term and to encourage our younger children to scoot to school, we offered Scootability so that they could learn to ride their scooters safely.