The curriculum at Great Bardfield Primary School is the term we use for the knowledge and skills we intend our children to learn during their time with us. This has been carefully planned, taking into account our mixed age classes, so that children experience a coherent, well-sequenced curriculum that builds on what they have already been taught. Our curriculum is rich and varied and prepares our children for their next steps. It takes into consideration our setting and aims to make links to the community around us including the rich history and some of the important features of the local area.
The school curriculum is split into three stages: Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception), Key Stage One (Year 1 and Year 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) and has been designed in a way that new learning always builds on what has already been taught in a previous year group. All subjects have a Curriculum Map which shows the different cycles of planned units along with long term planning which includes clearly sequenced units of learning.
Children are taught the knowledge they need to know through inquiry, discussion, activities and experiences planned by subject leaders and class teachers. Some learning is through topics and themes, whilst some learning is through discrete subject specific lessons.
We share this information with you in our termly ‘Curriculum Leaflets’ which can be found on the class page.
Please follow this link for information by subject:
Curriculum by Subject