School Values
Our school values have been drawn together by the staff, children and governors:
We Listen
We are Polite
We Show Respect
We Try Our Best
We Keep Healthy
We believe that in engaging children in their learning they will have a stronger desire to want to learn and make greater progress as a result. We do this by:
- Selecting inspiring topics linked to the New National Curriculum
- Linking subjects together where possible within topics studied
- Using a variety of different learning styles: visual, auditory and kinaesthetic
- Teaching and learning in different ways: independently, in pairs, in small groups and as a class
- Encouraging children to share their own/their group learning with others and presenting their learning in a variety of ways
- Expecting that children have ownership of their learning and independently use appropriate apparatus and tools to maximise their learning
- Expecting that children mark their learning and that of their peers against success criteria, enabling them to identify next steps for their learning
- Expecting effort and high standards in all areas of learning and praising children for enthusiasm and personal progress