School Lunches

School Lunches

School dinners cost £2.40 per child. Payment is made via our School Money website.

We operate an Autumn/Winter Menu which runs from after October  half term until February half term and a Spring/Summer Menu which runs from after  February half term to October half term.

All of our meals are cooked from scratch and supplies are purchased locally wherever possible. Every day we provide a vegetarian option and we can also often provide gluten free and dairy free options. Please speak to the school office if your child has any allergies or a food intolerance to discuss their needs.

Children in Key Stage 1 (Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2) receive a free school meal under the government’s Universal Free School Meals scheme.

If your child is in Years 3 -6 and you are on a low income, you may be eligible for free school meals.  Further information regarding the eligibility criteria and how to apply is available on the following link:  Free School Meals Information

Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you have any queries about school dinners

School Dinner Menus

Winter Menu Week 1

Winter Menu Week 2



Summer Menu Week 1 2023-24 FINAL

Summer Menu Week 2 2023-24 FINAL