School Council

Welcome to our School Council Page

At Great Bardfield Primary School the role of our School Council is very important.

The school council has ten members mad up  of two  children from each class. We choose the members for our class through a democratic process. This means that the children in each class vote for their school council members. Potential candidates have to make a speech to say why they should be chosen.

Our school council members for this year are:

Unicorn Class- Darcy Ditchman and another member to be chosen in the half term.

Dragon Class-Olivia Speight and Harry Needham

Griffin Class-Rosie Wells and Jay Davidson

Pegasus Class- Harvey White and William Brandl

Phoenix Class-Stewart Groves and Christy Brandl

Children meet with Mrs Kerrell and Mrs Dunmow every month. A copy of the agenda from our latest meeting is below:

School Council Meeting 2 15-16

The children have been invited to attend a Local Parish Council Meeting. Watch this space…